Swimming Pool
Our saltwater pool is much better than chlorine pools! Open Memorial Day through Labor Day for Elks members, their family, and guests. We have a GREAT Pool Membership option for other members of Missouri Metro District Elks Lodges.
Please check out our “Pool” page for more information about Pool Memberships.
Please check out our “Swim Team” page for more information about our Swim Teams.
Pool House Phone: (314) 205-1970.
Two “Florida White Sand” courts adjacent to the Swimming Pool. Leagues 5 nights a week and Tournaments on weekends.
For League information, contact Missouri Sand Volleyball @ (314) 303-3185
For general information contact the Lodge Office @ (314) 434-5650.
East Patio and Front Porch
The patio and “front porch” areas are available during regular club room hours for all members to use.
Hall of the Americas
The Hall of the Americas is where many major lodge functions take place, including Lodge Meetings, Committee Meetings, other Club special events, and more. It is also available for rental. Any Elk in good standing may rent the hall. Please refer to the “Rent the Hall” page for more information.