
PAST EXALTED RULERS’ ASSOCIATION – Article III, Section 18 of the Constitution of the Order permits and Section 13.190 of the Laws of the Order mandates that there be an association of Past Exalted Rulers of the Lodge in good standing. The association advises the Lodge and conducts such programs it elects for the good of the Lodge. It elects Officers and adopts by‑Laws or other regulatory provisions. It should meet monthly. The first meeting night in February of each year is designated as Past Exalted Rulers’ Night. For information, refer to page 17 of the Ritual of the Local Lodges (Code 511500).

Past Exalted Rulers

As of 04/01/24 the active 16 current P.E.R.s at Saint Louis Missouri lodge #9 are James Allmeroth, Michael Conley, Robert Dixon, Hal Dygert, Kurt Eggerding, AJ Ford, Mark Gabauer, Mark Goddard, Frank Kilcullen, Kurt Lord, Timothy Luby, Jim Martin, Doug McWard, Doug Reuther, Beth Schnettler, and Mark R. Zust .

2006 Exalted Ruler James Allmeroth

Per James, “I joined in the lodge in 1981 or so as a pool member mostly.  Jim Peevler was the ER.  I don’t even remember the guys in the chair in front of me, but the next year I was asked to take the position of Lecturing Knight, midway through that term the ER quit, and both other chairs got vacated, and I became the ER.  Wow!  So you think we have had issues now, it was worse then, for sure.  Jim LaMartina Art Michel became the next ER and Jim LaMartina followed him.  Non of us had any experience as members of the BPOE.  We somehow managed to get through, and the lodge continued. IN 1984 I lost my job, and found that I was an alcoholic, so I took my leave from most social organizations and activities and simply stayed sober. I lost contact with the lodge and concentrated on other activities.” Member since 1998.
2010 & 1993 Exalted Ruler Michael Conley

Mick is the current (2023-2024) Esquire, was the Missouri Elks Association Vice President 2011, District Deputy 1999, an Elk 1980, and is a certified ‘Life Member’

2014 Exalted Ruler Robert Dixon

Per Bob, “I was ER in 2014/15, following three term ER Jerry Seger.  The lodge at that time was much different than it is today.  First of all, we were much smaller (under 300 members) and significantly more constrained financially (there was a point in time when our bar orders were only accepted via “cash on delivery” terms).  The middle of the bar tappers was infamously known as the Mason Dixon Line with attending Hatfield and McCoy feuds a regular occurrence. Vulgarity was beyond belief and generally kept most females away (60 people attending a steak night in the less vulgar hall was deemed to be a “big crowd”).  In summary, we were closer to a “south city tavern” than an Elk’s Lodge and the Metro East District Leaders and the Missouri Elks Association knew it. On more than one occasion, our then State Sponsor Ted Callicutt considered pulling our charter. Although it sounded kind of funny at the time, many members proudly referred to our lodge as “the independent republic of # 9.”  Following rules, especially relative to spending money, was virtually non-existent ( the conversion of our fresh water pool into a salt water pool was accomplished without a lodge floor discussion, let alone a vote ). “

“Walking into that mess according to PER Mark Gabauer was “like catching a falling knife.”  With the help of Leading Knight Doug McWard and other officers, we started what we referred to as “a cultural revolution” with the goal of becoming an “Elks Lodge.” My marching orders from our District Deputy were simple, “Give the lodge back to its members, it’s their lodge.”  I believe that we succeeded.  Doug McWard followed my year as ER and built on my themes and goals with his “devotion to transparency.”  Pete added going after grants during his year so as to add on to our continually improving financial situation as well as starting our blood drives and health days ( as a step towards the lodge as a whole developing a community focus beyond the wonderful but unfortunately isolated work of the veterans committee ).  Kurt Eggerding followed in Pete’s footsteps etc etc. It is fun looking back on those days. Doug, Kurt and I often reminisce amongst ourselves, wishing Pete could join us…..”to all of our absent members.”

In addition, Bob (who’s official titles as of July 2024 are PER / PSVP / PDDGER), he served as Leading Knight in 2013/14, was Metro East District #4780 Vice President in 2019/20, the current Chair the History Group and has been a member since 2006.

1987 Exalted Ruler Hal Dygert (above in the middle wearing a leather jacket)

Per Hal, “I followed Gino Lamartina.  The Chesterfield Lodge emerged with 1881 during my year as ER.” Hal has been an Elk since 1971 and is a certified ‘Life Member.’
2017 Exalted Ruler Kurt Eggerding

“That year we purchased new meeting room seating and contributed older seating to Cedar Hill Elks Lodge #2678 for flood relief.  Kurt initiated the Compliance Committee, explored building expansion, and has been a member since 2008.
2022 Exalted Ruler AJ Ford

Per Aj, “Let’s recap the great things we accomplished this year”
• As of this writing we are at a +91 net membership gain and with 40 in the pipeline. Our goal at the beginning of the year was 100+, so here’s hoping we achieve that by the end of the month!
• We have over a $100,000+ profit to the lodge from all sources!
• We received our first ever Elks Impact Grant and received all $20,500 in grants possible for the first time in lodge history.
• We held more than 30 events, including 5 new ones!
• We donated more than $13,000 to veteran’s organizations!
• We had a fully sold out (144 golfers) golf tournament allowing us to donate more than
$10,000 to various charities and lodge committees!
• We donated 35 of pints of blood during our blood drive!
• We collected and distributed more than 400 items of clothing during our coat drive!
• We donated 2323 items of food during our food drive!
• We relaunched our newly titled Lodge Auxiliary!
• We established our Lodge History Group to set us up for our 150th anniversary in 2028!
• We engaged the services of a professional fundraising company so we can explore a future lodge expansion!
• We already have more All-American Lodge points than we did a year ago and are positioned to take home a 1st place at this year’s convention
• The lodge is in great hands moving forward with our current officers moving through the chairs, and we’ll have a new first time Lecturing Knight!
• And last but not least, we had a heck of a lot of FUN!
1995 Exalted Ruler Mark Gabauer

Per Mark. “Not understanding what the Elks were all about but knowing the Lodge offered a pool and swim team fit my needs as well as my families lead to applying for membership to the Lodge.  I was initiated into the BPOE Lodge in 1990.  It didn’t take long to realize the meaning of Elks Care and Elks Share, plus after a few beers I just could not keep my mouth shut and soon asked to volunteer.  After being a Swim team Parent Rep. for 3 years and Pool chair for 2 I started my rotation as an Officer of the Lodge. With the Lecturing Knight refusing to move to the next (Loyal) chair, my first officer position was the Loyal Knight. The following year I was ready and was voted Leading Knight which lasted all of 3 weeks before the New Exalted Ruler announced his business had him moving to Lake of the Ozarks (Osage Beach, Missouri).  After a quick floor vote, I became St. Louis Lodge #9 Exalted Ruler for the fiscal year of 1996-95 which was the year family kids took over the Lodge. The Gabauer family of 5 kids combined with Leading Knight Rick Farhney family of 5 kids plus Loyal Knight Don Mueller 3 kids changed the Lodge to wet footprints, basketball bouncing plus hide and seek. If you’re wondering, my Lecturing Knight was a young bachelor at the time, Rich Dygert. (aka Uncle Richey to all officer kids.).  During my year as E.R. the swim team hit an all time high of over 110 kids.  Also my year as Exalted Ruler I attended the National Convention in New Orleans during which the historic motion was passed allowing Women to apply for membership.  As I look back on my year as being elected to the chair of Fidelity I remember lots of meetings, doubling my annual bar tab, and meeting lots of fantastic and generous new friends.  I will always be proud of having members voting to have me represent them as their Exalted Ruler for Lodge #9.  Continuing my Elk journey the following year I was elected to a 5 year Trustee position.  All of the Officer positions are volunteer requiring a huge time commitment. The pay back to all of us who volunteer are the little things. In 2002 I was Elk of the year which was special.  In 2020 I became a Life Member and during my 32 years as an Elk I’ve been a Board member and/or Officer for 15 years which tells me I still have not learned to keep my mouth shut and keep my hand down.” Note, Mark has been an Elk since 1990 and has been certified as a ‘Life Member.’

2023 Exalted Ruler Mark Goddard

During his 12 months behind the Fidelity podium E.R. Goddard oversaw an All American Lodge that hosted an Allocated Bourbon Unveiling, Auction, BB Shoot, Blood Drive, birth of a Capital Campaign, Coat Drive (Holiday), Breakfast with Santa, National Drug Awareness speaker Ray Lozano’s second visit (during Red Ribbon week), Easter Egg Hunt, Father’s Day Ritual, Flag Day Ritual, Food Drive, Flag Dedication & Retirement Rituals, Flags of Honor (around the front yard), 2 Golf events (Annual Tournament + The Executive), birth of the History Group, Kayak with a Vet III, Lodge Hop, Memorial Ritual (dedicated to widows), live music in the Club Room, Mother’s Day Ritual, Mouse Races, birth of the Patio Speaker Series, successful earning & implementation of all 5 available Grants (Beacon, Gratitude, Freedom, Impact, Spotlight), Pig Roast, ongoing Queen of Heart Tuesdays, a renewed Lodge Rental program, 2 Scout Appreciation events, a Swim-A-Thon and 5 Swim (Team) Meets, Heroes Care Trivia, Trivia & Chili (benefitting the MO Benevolent Trust), Trunk or Treat, Youth Activities Day (which featured both a Hoop & Soccer Shoot), Shop with a Cop, 2 Fish Frys, 9 Bunco Wednesdays, Nine 9S Cigar Sundays, 15 Initiation Rituals, & 22 Lodge Meetings. As E.R. he earned the Grand Exalted Ruler’s Special Commendation Award while the Lodge achieved the Grand Exalted Ruler’s Making a Difference Special Citation for the 5th Year in a row. Previously, Mark was House Chair twice, will begin fiscal 2024 at the 5th Year Trustee, and has been a member since 2016.
1991 Exalted Ruler Frank Kilcullen

When I became an officer, we merged with Chesterfield 2711. Became ER 1990 (followed Hal Dygert) when we merged with the Overland Lodge.” Frank has been an Elk since 1987 and is a certified ‘Life Member’

2021 Exalted Ruler Kurt Lord

Kurt joined the ranks of the P.E.R.’s April 5th, 2022. He withstood two mandatory Saint Louis County shutdowns during Covid-19 and was at the helm during the Club Room gut rehab. He oversaw a new diving board, new volleyball pavilion, a successful holiday clothing drive, the return of Missouri Lotto, he unveiled the Larry the Elk statue and spearheaded the St. Louis County Grant and the swim team awards display. While E.R. he personally earned the Grand Exalted Ruler ‘Making a Difference Special Citation’ while the Lodge achieve the Grand Exalted Ruler’s ‘Award for Excellence’ (a first) and the G.E.R’s ‘Making a Difference Special Citation’ and has been a member since 2016.

2020 & 2019 Exalted Ruler Timothy Luby

During his 24 months behind the Fidelity podium E.R. Luby witnessed the first Kayak with a Vet, Holiday Coat Drives, a $119,000 Queen of Hearts winner, additional Americanism Rituals, contemporary merchandise, a redesigned solvent newsletter, formulation of the Site Strategy Committee, a renewed sense of volunteerism, the quest for a standalone website, Taco Tuesdays, and the pursuit of All American Lodge Certification. According to Tim, “I was gunning for perfect attendance when it came to Lodge Meetings (40) and Initiation Rituals (14) but I missed one of each for out-of-town weddings.” As E.R. he was awarded the Grand Exalted Ruler’s Special Commendation Award (both years) while the Lodge achieved the Grand Exalted Ruler’s Making a Difference Special Citations (both years). Earned the Grand Exalted Ruler’s Outstanding Commendation in 2021/2020 (awarded by Exalted Ruler Lord), was the top new member recruiter in Missouri (2019, 2018, & 2017), Elk of the Year in 2017, Elk of the Month (January 2022) and has been a member since 2013.

1981 Exalted Ruler Jim Martin

“The lodge at that time on Ladue Road was 1881, and I became Exalted Ruler after the Current ER, Leading Knight and Loyal knight were either retired due to a change in employment or expelled but I became the ER.  Too bad because I had very little experience in the chairs and had only become an Elk in 1980.  We had very short Elk meetings, and then poker for those who wanted to play.  The current Elks Lodge is far more fraternal as a group than we were.  I recruited Jim LaMartina as Leading Knight, Art Michel as Loyal Knight, and can’t even remember who was the Lecturing Knight. Along with apathy we had “swim pool Elks” and “bar Elks”.  The best thing that happened during that time was the initial employment of Peggy Lowe now Conley.” Note, Jim has been a member since 1978.

2015 Exalted Ruler Doug McWard

While Exalted “Exhausted” Ruler Doug oversaw the installation of the additional televisions in the bar area as well as getting the glass doors installed separating the bar from the rental hall.  In addition, he was the Officer of the Year + Metro East District Director in 2020, Chaired Wellness (Blood Drive, Health Fair, Organ Donations) in 2020, 2019, & 2018, was State Chaplain + Metro East Officer at Large in 2019, Officer of the year in 2017 & 2011, Pool Chair in 2012, 2011, 2010, & 2009, Chairman of the Board of Directors in 2018, 2017, & 2015, Leading Knight in 2015 & 2013, Volleyball Chair in 2013, Loyal Night in 2012, Lecturing Knight in 2012, and has been a member since 2004.

2002 & 2001 Exalted Ruler Doug Reuther

Did back to back as ER because the Leading knight had no ambition to be ER. We remodeled the Hall and had a new roof and A/C installed. Started the Christmas auction and brought back the 100 Club.”

Doug has been an Esquire, House Chairman, 2021-2022 PER Chair, and been and Elk since 1992

2024 Exalted Ruler Beth Schnettler

During Fiscal 2024 E.R. Schnettler oversaw an All-American Lodge that continued the Elk of the Month Program, reinstated the Student of the Month Program, reinvigorated the Americanism Essay Contest, spearheaded (for the 3rd consecutive year) world renowned Drug Awareness Program Speaker Ray Lozano’s October visit, and was the driver behind the earning + implementation of the Beacon, Freedom, Gratitude, and Spotlight Grant.

In addition, during her 12 months behind the Fidelity Podium the lodge hosted 22 Lodge Meetings, 19 Live Music Events, 12 Bunco’s, 9 Initiation Rituals, 9 Steak Nights, 6 Game Nights, 3 Capital Campaign Open Houses, 3 Home Swim Meets, 3 Garden Speaker Events, 3 Poolside Wing Dings, 2 Blood Drives, Army V Navy, Auction, BB Shoot, Breakfast with Santa, Clothing Drive, Derby Day, Donuts with the Bunny, Father’s Day Ritual, Fish Fry, Flag Day Ritual, Flags of Honor, Flag Dedication Ritual, Flag Retirement Ritual, Golf Tournament, Hoop Shoot, Kayak with a Vet IV, JCS Bike for Heroes, Lodge Hop, MEA President Lance Evans, Membership Appreciation, Memorial (Widows) Ritual, Mother’s Day Ritual, Mouse Races, New Years Eve Party, Pasta Night, Pig Roast, Pool Paella Party, Red Ribbon Week, Scholarship Voting, Scouts Appreciation, Shop with a Cop, Soccer Shoot, Swim-A-Thon, Swim Team Banquet, Trunk or Treat, Year End Party, & Youth Week.

Beth has also served as DDGER + PER Robert Dixon’s Auditor, has previously chaired ENF (Elks National Foundation), Grants, Missouri Benevolent Trust, scholarship, and Youth Activities committees. Prior to 2024 she’s served Saint Louis #9 as Leading Knight, Loyal Knight, Lecturing Night, was the 2020 Officer of the Year, 2019 Elk of the Year, and has been member since 2019.

2004 Exalted Ruler Dr. Mark Zust

Dr. Mark Zust is a general dentist and practices in St. Peters, Missouri. Dr. Zust is a graduate of the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Dentistry and is a past President of the Greater St. Louis Dental Society and of the Missouri Dental Association.  He has served on the American Dental Association Board of Trustees representing the ADA Sixth District. Has served as Lecturing Knight, Loyal Knight, Leading Knight and then as Exalted Ruler. He lives with his wife Phyllis in Weldon Spring, Mo and have four children and eight grandchildren. Note, Jim has been a member since 1994.


Passing of the torch. Above was taken April 1st (2023), day one of fiscal 2024 when (during the lodge meeting) outgoing Exalted Ruler Goddard (2022-2023), per tradition, handed the gavel to incoming Exalted Ruler Schnetter (2023-2024). Note, all above are Past Exalted Rulers

Pictured L to R – Doug McWard, Doug Reuther, Mark Goddard, Hal Dygert, Tim Luby, & Bob Dixon


All American Saint Louis #9 Past Exalted Rulers during the February 7th PER Night.

Pictured L to R – Kurt Lord, Doug McWard, Mick Conley, Tim Luby, Jim Martin, Mark Gabauer, Bob Dixon, Kurt Eggerding, Doug Reuther. Not Pictured – James Allmeroth, Hal Dygert, Frank Kilcullen, and Dr. Mark Zust


Four P.E.R.s’ enjoying a perfect spring evening on the South Patio Friday May 7, 2021.

Pictured L to R – Tim Luby, Art Michael, Mark Gabauer, & Jim Martin

Six of the thirteen Past Exalted Rulers of St. Louis Elks Lodge #9. Picture taken P.E.R. Night (Monday February 1, 2021)

Pictured L to R – Tim Luby, Kurt Eggerding, Bob Dixon, Doug Reuther, Mark Gabaeur, & Doug McWard