Soccer Shoot


The Youth Activities Committee is proud to announce that the Lodge is hosting Youth Day Saturday June 18th from 11:00 – 1:00 (Saturday June 25th is the weather make up day). This will be a first as kids between 7 and 18 years old will be to compete in the Soccer Shoot while the front yard will additionally feature badminton, bocce ball, croquet, frisbee, lacrosse, soccer, spike ball, and volleyball. Questions? Contact Youth Chair Tim Luby – [email protected] .


The Youth Activities Committee hosted our #05 Annual Friday November 5th and Saturday November 6th Soccer Shoot, our first ever.  The ‘Kick’ featured 15 shots at a regulation goal (from three different distances) and 3 shots at 5 mini goals of different sizes. This event was a ‘hybrid shoot’ ahead of our 1st Annual extravaganza to be held the summer of 2022 featuring Awards, BBQ, complimentary swimming to all participants, and additional sports (badminton, bocce ball, frisbee) for children (of both members and friends) under 16 years old.
The official 2021-202 ‘Shoot Team’ has been assembled which includes Joe Gibson, Matt Linhardt, Matt Minton, Joel Prior, Kyle Tilly, and myself so please advise if you’d like to assist in the December ‘Hoop’ and/or help in planning the ‘Kick’ next summer.
The 1st Annual Saint Louis #9 Soccer Shoot was Friday November 5 (4:00 – Dark) and Saturday December 6th (11:00 – 1:00). Kids (of members and friends) who are 16 and under are invited to participate. Contact Tim Luby ( [email protected] ) with questions and/or offers to assist. “It’s a Kick” so see you this weekend!