As of December 14 we’re down to 83 delinquents. If you recognize someone below please implore them to stay with us as it’s only $178.50 to get current. Questions, contact membership chair Tim Luby @ 314-486-2675 or [email protected] .
Louis Aboussie
Matthew Albert
Joseph Alsworth
Paul Ardekani
Richard Bader
Steven Beck
Dominic Bertani
Scott Boyher
William Boyle
Steve Bredbenner
Steven Brown
Scott Brozek
Timothy Cahill
Tabitha Carter
Joshua Chumbley
Chad Corsi
Charlotte D’Alfonso
Richard Dow
Jeffrey Dumm
Aspasia Edlund
Tom Evans
James Faron
Gregg Flier
Gregory Franck
Diane Fredericks
Kimberly Giacoletti
Raymond Giacoletti
Adam Glosier
David Green
Barbara Gusdorf
Mark Hagemeister
Sara Hempfling
Edward Hickert
Dennis Jenkerson
Matthew Laufketter
Gregory Mayfield
Betty Jo McArthur
Matt McAuley
Brian McCary
Robert McCormack
John McMahon
Aaron Mottern
Nadim Nasrallah
Heather Nauss
Tina Nevin
James O’brien
Joe Orlet
Cynthia Penning
Michael Peritore
Bryan Podkul
Edmund Postawko
Judd Presley
John Price
David III Price
Manning Rasnic
Kathleen Reasor
Raymond Roberts
Reed Rohlfing
Ruben Rosario
David Safarian
Ian Scharf
Dennis Schmidt
Rob Schmidt
Tom Sederburg
John Shadley
Jason Shiffler
Renee Siffer
Robert Simmons
Dan Smith
Mark Stevens
Tim Struyk
Marcia Stuart
Timothy Theerman
Colin Trout
Timothy Trout
Patrick VanDeWiele
William VanOyen
Thomas Wall
William Wallace
Clarence Wardlaw
Kurt Weiss
Rob Westrich
David Winchell
John Zechmeister
Jeff Zornes = 83 Total