It’s an exciting time for Elks Lodge #9! By now you’ve heard the big news about the capital campaign for the Lodge Improvement Project. For years, conversations in the bar, at the pool and at events have centered around improving the facility. These conversations have included talk of a “smoking solution” that will allow all of us – non-smokers and smokers – to experience the fellowship we’ve enjoyed for nearly 150 years as a lodge. You can help make this project a reality. We are closing in on the campaign goal of $450k, but still need every Elk’s help to get there.
Want to learn more, get the details, have your questions answered and speak with members of the Site Strategy and Capital Campaign Committees?
Join us on Tuesday, September 26 at 6:00pm for a social event and a Q & A session.
How will this work? We are asking every member to make a commitment over a three-year period to the Lodge Improvement Project Campaign. All donors who give a total of $1,500 or more (that’s just $500 per year) will receive recognition alongside fellow Elks by Giving Society levels on a plaque that will be permanently displayed in the Lodge.
Time is of the essence as the Site Strategy Committee is proceeding with preliminary design and permitting. For this to happen, we need your support and commitment now. Pledge forms are available at the Lodge Improvement Project display. The pledge forms can be completed and returned to the office, or at the bar. Additionally, you can set up your pledge or donate right now by clicking on the heading or “Read More” below.
The Capital Campaign Committee and the Site Strategy Committee thank you for your consideration and generous support for this important project! We look forward to celebrating our success at a formal dedication ceremony!